Innovative Aviation Solutions


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Aviation Related Products and Services

All IAS pilot services are performed by Tom Norton. Tom is an ATP multi-engine rated CFII with multiple jet type ratings and over 27 years as a pilot. He is as knowledgeable about the equipment he flies as he is about his flying expertise. He has built and enjoys flying his RV-8 aerobatic airplane and is extremely passionate about aviation and teaching it to others. Call or email for specific services pricing.

Professional Services by IAS

Enjoy the highest quality mentoring from the pilot that wrote the Eclipse 500 mentor program. You will learn more than you ever thought you could about your new Eclipse 500 and about flying safely and efficiently like a professional.

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Don’t just get ready for your Eclipse FSA or Type training, plan to excel in it. IAS offers pre-type training or remedial training in your aircraft anywhere you prefer. This training will be the most bang for your buck with both ground briefings and one on one in-aircraft training.

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When you (or just the plane) just absolutely have to be there without any worries, let IAS fly (domestic and international) safely and efficiently for you. That is what we do at a very reasonable rate all over the world.

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Partnered with the very experienced team from Innovation Aero Group, let us guide you through the aircraft delivery process with absolutely no headaches or just do it all for you without you having to take time away from home or business. Take ownership of your new aircraft knowing all purchase contracts and FAA regulations are in compliance.

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